Make sure you get all the information you need before the show! Sign up to our newsletter for exhibitors here:
Meet new costumers
The Nordic countries have a potential of 130.000 weddings each year with a total of 9.1 million guests. This makes the Nordic countries an interesting market for companies looking for new business opportunities and hopefully you will be a part of this from the very beginning!

Floorplan Nordic Bridal Show 2021 will come later…
Move in/ out
Dates for moving in and out during Nordic Bridal Show:
Moving in: Saturday from 10:00-20:00
Moving out: Monday 17:00-20:00
Shipping pallets:
Mark the pallets with:
Nordic Bridal Show + Company name + Stand no.
Pallets to Malmömässan: 9th of September (earliest)
Pallets from Malmömässan: 15th of August
Send the pallets to:
Mässgatan 6, 215 32 Malmö, Sweden.
For more information regarding shipping pallets, contact Jörgen Jönsson.
Phone: +46 (0)765 257025

”Mässervice” (MMS) will provide you with everything you need for your stand. You can order equipment for your stand in their webshop online (here you can also find pictures of the products).
Order your stand equipment online here:
ENGLISH: Nordic Bridal Show – Order for stand equipment
SWEDISH: Nordic Bridal Show – Beställning av monterinredning
Peter Hinderoth:
Tel: +46 40-30 67 04
Remember to order stand equipment before XXX of XXX 2021