Read about the actions that we have taken in order to create a safe event for both exhibitors and visitors.
Due to Covid-19 we have taken your safety very seriously and have created a fair, which has social distancing as first priority.

- New Floorplan – Keeping social distancing in mind we have created a new Floorplan that allows all exhibitors and visitors to work with social distancing in their stands. This means that we will set up stands without walls in order to create a good flow of oxygen in the entire hall. We will also spread the stands with great distance between them for your safety.
- No party – We love to party, but hosting a crowded party does not feel accurate in this time of Covid-19 when we need to keep distance. So for your safety we have decided not to host a party this year.
- Small cafés – Instead of one big café in the hall where all people gather we have created a number of small cafés that allows us to only be a handful of people at the same place. Our staff in the cafeterias will serve you refreshments wearing protective masks.
- No fashion show – The fashion show has been a great happening during the fair, but sitting tightly together watching a fashion show does not feel safe these days. So instead of a fashion show the exhibitors will have the chance to have professional models in their stand showing the dresses and suits to the visitors.
- Hygiene – Hygiene comes first hand and we will offer hand sanitizer for all visitors. We have also removed the carpets from the alleys in order to create clean and dust free environments that is easy to sanitize.